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superhero power courage
How can parents help a child develop courage?
Children have superhero powers that can be nurtured
Meet Caleb. His superpower is courage. ...

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superhero power empathy
Empathy – a superpower all children can develop
How can parents help their child learn empathy?
Meet Ellie. Her superpower is empathy. ...

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foster parent daisy walks with children
Foster care: A beautiful thing
Couple see the need and fosters 21 children
Years ago, Daisy Ledet, a public school educator, kept seeing a sign on the side of a local bus. Although it was a sign appealing to prospective...

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ways to celebrate independence day at home during a pandemic
Creative ways to celebrate the Fourth of July
Whether you want to be out in the sun or stay inside, these activities are good for kids of all ages
The Fourth of July is quintessentially the perfect summer holiday, usually spent outdoors grilling hamburgers and hot dogs with neighbors and friends...

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A community forever
Support and resources available when your loved one transitions into assisted living
When your loved one transitions into one of six Buckner senior living communities, you can rest assured they will be cared for, even if the family...

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foster parents
Celebrating foster care parents
Highlighting some of the amazing families who have opened their hearts and homes to children in need in Texas
The goal with foster care is always reunification, but in the meantime, vulnerable children can find a safe, loving home within a foster family....

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superhero power malleable
Malleable – a superpower all children possess
Are children more malleable than adults?
Meet Mateo. His superpower is being malleable. ...

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5 tips to increase self-care during summer
How many tips can you work into your summer schedule?
We’re just a few days from the official start of summer, and I’m excited it’s here again. Of course, since Buckner is based in Texas, we...

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Being a father like Christ
John and Bri Thomas have fostered and adopted children through Buckner International and consider it their calling. John reflects on what it means to...

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kids are superheroes
Kids are superheroes
Overcoming adversity and realizing potential strength
What do children and superheroes have in common? Superheroes were once children who overcame adverse childhood experiences (ACE). ...

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