Top 10 Ways to Get Involved with Buckner
You’ve wanted to make a difference for a while now, but weren’t quite sure how to do it. Now is your chance to do something! We’ve made it easy for you to get started with these simple tips below.
1. Sponsor or participate in special events. Buckner hosts a number of local special events in communities across the country, including our annual golf tournaments, sporting clay shoots, clothing and shoe drives, and more! Look for opportunities to sponsor an event through your company, or to participate in an event, on our events Web site at
2. Go on a mission trip. There are multiple opportunities to serve orphans and at-risk children living abroad or even right here in the United States through short-term mission trips. Churches, organizations and individuals are finding a renewed sense of purpose through one to two week trips delivering humanitarian aid, leading vacation Bible school (VBS), hosting sports clinics, building homes and repairing orphanages and more. Trips are still available in 2009.
3. Volunteer at the Buckner Center for Humanitarian Aid. Volunteers are needed on a daily basis to sort and process shoes and humanitarian aid coming in and out of our warehouse. More than 300,000 pairs of new shoes were processed by volunteers in 2008, and we’re expecting just as many or more this year. It’s fun and easy for adults and children, and especially great for large groups.
4. Host a shoe drive. Individuals, churches and organizations across the country are hosting their own shoe drives to collect new shoes and socks for orphans around the world. We provide all the materials you need, including posters, flyers, DVDs and press releases to help make your shoe drive a success!
5. Be a family – for a season or a lifetime. What better way to make an eternal difference in the life of a child than to foster or adopt? Buckner provides many options for singles and couples to be a family through foster care, foster-to-adopt, CPS adoptions, domestic infant adoptions and international adoptions. And now through our affiliation with Dillon International, there are even more international adoption opportunities. Learn more at and
6. Be a mentor through KidsHope USA. Does your church have a steady mentorship program or are you looking for a way to be relevant to the needs of children in your community? Kids Hope USA is a national program that helps train and recruits churches to mentor local elementary school children for one hour a week. Contact Richard Roman ( today to get information for your church pastor.
7. Donate gently-used items to your local Buckner aid center. If you have a Buckner office in your community, then it’s likely they collect gently-used clothing, furniture, food and other household items to benefit needy families. The Buckner Center for Humanitarian Aid in Dallas regularly takes these items to distribute to families in need and is experiencing even greater needs right now ad the volume of clients continues to rise. Call the Buckner location near you and ask how you can help! Contact details at or if you live in Dallas, email Jackie Belt at
8. Be a voice. Children everywhere are in need, and you can make a consistent impact when you sign up to be a Voice. Our Voice monthly giving program makes it easy for you to give a designated amount to a specific ministry, knowing every dollar you give goes exactly where you specify. That’s our promise to you. And you get the benefit of knowing your $25 a month is making life better for an orphan or at-risk child.
9. Make a donation. The current financial crisis is challenging for everyone, but no one know this better than the orphans and at-risk families we serve every day. Your gift helps meet these needs. Consider giving a gift today. 100% of your donation goes directly to our ministry – not a single dollar supports operating or administrative costs. You can read more about our financial accountability here.
10. Recruit friends online. We’re all hanging out there, so come connect with Buckner on and Be a fan. Join our cause. Recruit your friends. There’s a lot of action online, and you don’t want to miss out. Your support in these areas helps us communicate the needs of children to a large number of people who many not be exposed to the plight of the orphan. Your help is needed to spread the word!